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Wednesday, September 11, 2019


     I had an eventful day recently. I returned to the scene of my college education and spent a Saturday marveling at the mountains in Boone, NC- while at the same time, gasping in amazement at the progress and growth of Appalachian State University. Of course, it was many, many years ago that I attended ASU as an undergrad and participated as a member of the baseball team. One of those teams I was on won a conference championship in 1984, achieving the best winning percentage in the nation along the way.
     The members of that team were invited to return to Boone on September 7 as part of the 35th anniversary of that championship. Over half of us from the 84 team were able to attend the tailgate luncheon reunion and football game later that afternoon. One of our teammates came all the way from California to be with his teammates. Impressive.
     I witnessed many things and experienced numerous emotions that day. It seems no matter how many years separate men who have grown older, wider, and grayer, there is still a bond among teammates that lasts a lifetime. Stories of yesteryear flowed. Expressions of appreciation and yes, even love, were exchanged- along with hearty handshakes and heartfelt hugs.
     It turns out there were other folks at the game as well who I hadn't seen in a long time. At one point, while scanning the crowd, I spotted a friend from my freshman year who just happened to be looking my direction at the same moment. We immediately recognized each other and were able to visit for a few minutes in the stands despite the high pitched volume of an exciting and entertaining football game. Before parting, my friend, whom I had not seen in person since 1983, encouraged me to continue writing these devotions. "You're a great writer and your writing is inspirational. Keep it up." I can't express what it meant to me to hear that, mainly because it came from someone who I hadn't seen in 36 years- but who is a Facebook friend who apparently reads my ramblings each week.
     There was drama on the football field as well. At one point, as my teammates, our coach, and I assembled near the end zone sideline to take the field and be recognized a few minutes later, ASU scored a touchdown right in front of me- as in, 5 feet in front of me. Fortunately I had my camera phone handy and I clicked the record button just in time to film the receiver making the catch and then doing some victory push ups beside me to celebrate the feat as the crowd roared. I'm thankful I was able to capture that wonderful moment on camera, frozen in time for me to relive over and over. The video at present has received over 6000 views on Twitter. Good stuff.
     It's hard to adequately describe what it feels like to stand side by side with your former teammates as your likeness is being displayed on the giant video board while nearly 30,000 people express their appreciation for your accomplishments of so many years ago. In many ways, it almost seems like a lifetime has passed, as if it happened so long ago that you question whether or not it really did occur the way you remember it. But during those few moments on the field, time seemed to connect the passing of  35 years, and the events of then and the realities of now were beautifully interwoven together, forming a glorious moment . . . frozen in time.
     After our recognition, we weren't told exactly what to do so we stayed on the sidelines, continuing to reminisce and exchange promises to do a better job of staying in touch. One teammate shared with us his idea of a weekly devotional via a group text and two days later, he sent out the first edition.
     There's something special about teammates, especially those from a championship team. We never forget those with whom we shared the wide-eyed dreams of our youth. The ones who during our days together had the whole world in front of us before we settled down into jobs, marriages, and parenthood. Together we viewed the world as a ripe piece of fruit, just waiting to be plucked.
     The Message translation of the Bible says in Proverbs 18:24- "Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family". The NIV version states it this way: " . . . there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
     I don't know when the next reunion will be. We talked about future possibilities but to be honest, there's no way to know. I don't know how things work in Heaven, but I'm hoping for an invite to several reunions in the hereafter. Maybe those reunions will include get-togethers with family members. Maybe there will be gatherings with childhood friends, college friends, Facebook friends, teams I've coached, and people I've met on mission trips. And if God wills it to be, there will be a reunion of all my teammates. I fully intend to be present for those reunions, not because of anything I've done to deserve to be there, but because I am a sinner saved by Grace. I truly hope and pray that all the people in my life who have meant so much to me along the way will be there, too. And we'll enjoy those never ending moments together . . . frozen in time.


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