Eavesdrop on my recent conversation with my ever-opinionated and philosophical-minded canine companion Flash- who has become famous as a result of the publication of our conversations, done so without her expressed written consent. (Mainly because she can't write)
Flash (my famous dog): I'm perplexed.
Me: How can you be perplexed, you don't even know what it means.
Flash: I'm perplexed because I'm of the canine variety and as a result, am deemed to be of inferior intelligence compared to you human types.
Me: That's because you can't feed yourself, house yourself, clothe yourself or otherwise support yourself. We "human types" have to do all that for you.
Flash: Well, I don't need clothing so that's not a valid argument, but maybe you've got a point about the other stuff.
Me: So why are you perplexed, oh furry one?
Flash: Because, equally furry one- (note extensive hair on your arms and legs- and these days, hairs protruding from your ears and nose)- humans view us doggies as inferior yet we seem to have a lot of important stuff figured out better than you do.
Me: Okay Einstein, I'll bite. Like what?
Flash: (First of all, you've taught me not to bite, so you shouldn't either). We know how to get along with others.
Me: What do you mean?
Flash: There are many types of doggies. Big dogs, little dogs, brown dogs, white dogs, black dogs, yellow dogs, furry dogs, hairless dogs, ugly dogs and absolutely gorgeous dogs (like me). We don't seem to worry or even give a care about our differences. We're just dogs and we all accept each other.
Me: I guess that's why y'all sniff each other. So you're saying we humans don't accept each other?
Flash: All you gotta do is watch the evening news on that little squawk box you call TV to see that humans have a long way to go in the acceptance department.
Me: But most humans do accept each other's differences and do want to get along and play nice with others.
Flash: Then maybe y'all should start acting like it. Just the other day I heard you read something from that book you call The Word or something like that, and you said- God shows no partiality to anyone, regardless of what they look like.
Me: Yes, that's in Romans 2:11.
Flash: Then get with it.
Me: Ouch.
Flash: Don't feel so smart now, do you Mr. Big Britches?
Me: Easy there, oh Ye who drinks from the toilet, barks at the doorbell, is scared of taking a bath, can't fetch a stick, bites the tires when I crank the car, and once got a fish hook stuck in your nose. Mess with me and I'll drag you to the vet for another one of those "invasive" checkups you love so much.
Flash: I like Momma better than you.
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