It has taken me a little longer than usual to get in the Christmas spirit this year. Unexpected events have distracted me. I’m still highly blessed, mind you, and I’m certainly not complaining. But the Yuletide season has snuck up on me this year.
I won’t fall into the trap of spouting out the same clichés I hear every year. Things like “Can you believe it’s only (insert your favorite number here) days until Christmas? Comes quicker every year. We’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to get a thing ready.” Actually that one isn’t really fair for me to mention. It usually is uttered by a female and everyone knows we males do very little to help our wives prepare for the holidays.
In the Stroupe scheme, my wife does almost all the work, while I concentrate on making sure my heart and mind are prepared to grasp the spiritual significance of Christmas. And I have to admit, sometimes it takes me awhile to become undistracted by all the distractions.
But there’s good news. I have now pronounced myself ready. Not because my wife has picked out her Christmas present from me to her and has probably already wrapped it, too. I’m ready because my heart is now prepared.
So what clicked? First, the Christmas tree my middle son and I picked out has finally been decorated. We nabbed it on the side of the road at an ice cream stand for $13. It is the most pathetic looking thing ever to grace our home during the Yuletide season. We call it Charlie because it resembles the tree Charlie Brown picked out in his famous Christmas special.
And the Christmas music has been unbelievably encouraging to me lately. The majesticism (I know that’s not a word but I like it) of the music transcends the depths of human emotion when the chords are struck just right. If you don’t believe me, toss a Michael W. Smith Christmas CD in the player and click the play button.
Church cantatas. Smiles on kids’ faces. Charlie Brown’s best friend Linus reading the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke. Our families’ annual viewing of the classic “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” Knowing I will be attending the church service at my home church on Christmas Eve. All these aided my readiness.
But the clincher was our tree Charlie. The night the Stroupes decorated him I did my usual sitting and watching while my wife carefully removed the ornaments from their normal resting places and the boys hung each precious gem on poor Charlie. He tips and droops in places from the weight but he is destined to shine.
I love Charlie. He represents everything I think is sacred about Christmas. The little child born in Bethlehem was a major underdog. Not even worthy of a hotel room. Hanging out with animals. That sorta thing. I don’t have anything against towering trees decorated with extravagant ornaments, but this year, you won’t find that in the Stroupe house.
What you will find is a family who hopefully appreciates the child who came all those years ago to live in our hearts and provide us peace, comfort, and joy. And you’ll find Charlie, reminding us that hope exists, even when it comes in small and seemingly insignificant packages.
This is good stuff. Bless you, my man.
I always liked the TV special and Charlie's tree. I'll get myself one next year.
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