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Free Counter WACKY WEDNESDAY WISDOM: Don't believe everything you read. . . or forward

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Don't believe everything you read. . . or forward

A picture of a one-legged baseball player. Real or trick photography?

Recent events have led me to conclude that I need to use column space from time to time in a public service capacity. Specifically, I feel the obligation to inform you, the reading public, of the falsehood or truthhood (I know it’s not a word) of various items that make their way into the inbox section of my email server occasionally.

I am fascinated, perturbed, and perplexed all at the same time by these uninvited electronic invaders. So this week I thought I’d share a few from my most recent collection and clarify their authenticity. By the way, the ones I giggle at are the ones that make you feel like you’re eternally damned if you don’t forward them within five minutes. Also by the way, if you’ve sent emails my way, keep them coming. They will provide future column material for me.

And by the way part three, I check out info I get at a website called and if someone passes along a false one, I usually reply and pass along my findings to them. Here are a few I’ve encountered lately:

YIPPEE FOR YAHOO- Every time I forward a particular email, Yahoo will donate $2 to help pay for surgery for an underprivileged little girl who miraculously survived a Wal-Mart store fire. Fiction. This is an easy one. First of all, there is no procedure in place anywhere to compensate anybody for anything they forward on the internet. Shame on whoever made this up.

YIPPEE FOR BILL GATES- Bill will share $245 of his Microsoft and AOL fortune every time I forward a tracking test email to someone and they continue to forward it. Gotta be true, they say, it was in USA Today and Good Morning America Today Show. Fiction. First, see the Yahoo deal above about internet forwarding compensation. Next, they can’t even track terrorists who send emails- how are they gonna find me to give me my check? By the way part four, there’s no such thing as Good Morning America Today Show. (Two different shows combined.)

RING, RING, IT’S READY- There’s one circulating out there claiming the radiation in a cellphone can make corn pop (popcorn) if you let the cellphone ring over and over. Do I really need to waste your time with this one?

I DREAM OF GENIE- IN A HAT- I can make any wish I wish come true with one catch. I have to scroll down a page that slowly reveals a picture of the Cat in the Hat. Then Dr. Suess will grant my wish, but only if I forward to ten people in ten minutes, or whatever. By the way part five, isn’t Dr. Seuss deceased- rest his soul? Apparently so, my wish of receiving no more chain letter emails was denied.

HOP-A-LONG RECEIVER- A boy plays little league baseball. He is the team catcher. One minor detail. He has only one leg. He throws, hits, runs, and catches with the best of them. Really? It gives me great pleasure to inform you that this one is positively true. He’s from Lexington, Kentucky and his name is Adam Bender. Do a google search on him and enjoy the show.

There you have it. I’ve performed my civic duty for this week. Keep those emails coming. True or not, I need inspiration.


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