They say it comes in threes. First of all, let me say for the record that I have had a lifelong obsession with trying to figure out who “they” are. And why does what “they” say matter so much. I know this isn’t an original idea, as many people have asked over the years who “they” are, but I feel the need to join in on the fray.
Anyway, if they are correct, and it comes in threes, then my next curiosity is to determine exactly what “it” is. Recently I did a google search of “They say it comes in threes” and discovered much.
One of the things that comes in threes is death- especially celebrity deaths. What did everyone say this past summer when Farrah, MJ, and Ed all left us within a day or two? “It comes in threes,” said many.
My search also informed me that bad luck comes in threes as well. Such as when three appliances in your house decide to break down at the same instant. They never malfunction one at a time in a timely spaced out fashion. They misbehave in threes.
And one “It comes in threes” complainer on the internet pointed out that to be safe, you have to get three flu shots this season- one for the regular flu and two other rounds for the pig-related type.
I’ve never believed in that sorta superstition- until two weeks ago. First let me say that none of my trio of rambunctious boys had ever been to the emergency room for an injury. A streak that was destined to end.
The first incident involved the oldest and occurred when a small piece of metal found its way into his eye while he was doing something or other without his safety glasses on. Sounds more painful than it was but it certainly wasn’t pleasant.
Within a couple days, the middle son called from wrestling practice claiming his finger might be broken. A trip to the doctor confirmed a strained ligament but the kid had to wear a splint for a week and had to stay off the mat for a while.
But the most dramatic injury occurred a day or two later when the youngest Stroupe, fully conscious, fell off his parent’s bed onto a glass frame around 10 p.m. on a school night. At first we didn’t notice or think much of it because he didn’t cry but just moaned a little.
Suddenly Mom screamed out when she saw the gaping gash on his right foot. I flew into first aid respondent mode and started barking orders to everyone. My main goal was to keep the kid calm and pretend like it wasn’t that bad.
When we arrived at the emergency room a little later, the oldest son carried his little brother to the reception desk while I held the door. Again, I reminded everyone to stay cool.
As he entered the ER, the oldest son loudly announced, “Hey, we need help! We have a deep laceration here!” So much for minimizing the severity of the situation.
Eight stitches later, all was well and we were home around midnight. And the last thing I told my wife before we finally fell asleep was- you guessed it- “Maybe they’re right- it does come in threes.”
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