I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't go this route again this year. Not that it was a bad thing last year. But I just didn't want to dwell on it, run it into the ground, or frustrate those of you who read these ramblings by repeating something that I've already posted or discussed in detail. (By the way, a big thank you to those of you brave enough to read). The subject for this week is something I shared exactly one year ago. And because the response was overwhelming, I decided then and there that it would be best to retire the post and not try to exploit it by sharing it over and over.
After all, it got more shares and likes than anything I had ever written online. Which is possibly why some of you have asked that I share it again. Which is also why I feel like others may claim that I'm only sharing it again to get more "hits" or "Likes". But after my experience this past Sunday night, I decided I needed to revisit it.
Full disclosure: I sat down at my laptop a year ago and the post just kinda wrote itself. I remember being in a hurry to get somewhere and realized I only had a few minutes to complete it. After tapping the laptop keys for approximately fifteen minutes, I was done. I didn't edit or rearrange it to sound better or be more impactful when I finished. I simply hit the "post" button and shared it. I returned to my laptop a few hours later that evening and was overwhelmed by the comments and responses. I read it a few times trying to figure why anyone would consider it special. It was plain, simple, and uncomplicated. It was unimaginative, lacked creativity, and was highly unpolished. Yet somehow folks were touched by it.
This past Sunday evening, I attended an annual gathering of friends of Kent Alexander- who was my neighbor, best childhood friend, and teammate forever. He died eleven years ago this week. I wrote the tribute column to him a year ago on the tenth anniversary of his tragic passing. He was a hometown hero to many. He was a best friend and college roommate to me. For all the guys- including his brother- who gathered for our annual dinner this past Sunday, he was a friend who was taken from us too soon.
On the evening of his funeral, we held our first gathering at his favorite restaurant. And we've gathered on or around the beginning of December every year since for a meal, and now a couple of the guys cook for all of us. Grown men laugh at each other's old stories. We share memories and, in the most macho way possible, proclaim our love for each other. We always finish with a toast to our departed friend, followed by a group picture. I have the privilege of asking the blessing before the meal each year. Kent's death, though tragic, has brought the brotherhood closer together.
I fear, and I want to be careful how I state this, that Romans 8:28 is sometimes a misunderstood verse that has become almost cliche for many Christians. When bad things happen, well meaning folks often quote Romans 8:28- "All things work for the good for those who love Him" in an attempt to encourage those who are experiencing extreme hardship and pain- oftentimes unintentionally implying that the person experiencing the hurt should be thankful instead of outwardly expressing pain and grief.
But grieve we must in many cases. And when we lost our friend eleven years ago, we were hurting. We deserved to grieve. It's a process and it takes time. But, as Romans 8:28 rightfully reminds us, God is almighty and powerful enough to turn that pain and grieving into something positive. I don't think the verse is telling us everything that happens is good, but rather it means when we choose to respond with faith and trust in God, He can use that situation to advance His Kingdom despite the pain.
So this week, I have kept my promise to myself- sorta. I am not re-posting the original column/devotion/post I shared this time last year. But for those of you who are curious, you can read it at http://rustystroupe.blogspot.com/2017/12/wacky-wednesday-wisdom-anniversary-i.html or, if you are on my Facebook page (Rusty Stroupe Columns and Ramblings Group), you can scroll down through past posts until you get to my December 6, 2017 post entitled An Anniversary I wish Didn't Exist. (I'll be glad to add anyone who asks to join the group). IF you're reading on my blog, scroll down the right side of the page until you get to posts from December, 2017.
Don't worry, I won't be sharing the post over and over in a vain attempt to get people to hit the LIKE button, but I will continue re-celebrating my friend's life each year in early December with those of us who still gather to celebrate the memories and frienships. That way, something good will continue to come from a senseless tragedy in 2007. That's the way God has called us to respond- and I think Kent would approve as well.
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