When it comes to church attendance these days, there is one percentagelly significant group whose numbers are on the rise. First off, I am well aware that percentagelly is not an actual word. I know this because my spellcheck bled red all over it just now. But I'm keeping it in the aforementioned sentence. It's been a long time since I made up a word and I'm overdue for such a venture. Perhaps you can figure out what it means based on the context of the sentence but just in case, here's my definition: Percentagelly: an adverb (or maybe an adjective?) describing the approximate ratio of a specific phenomena. Example: "A percentagelly significant drop in readership of the Wacky Wednesday Wisdom devotion led its author to consider spending more time hunting, fishing, and sleeping instead of writing.
But I digress (significantly). The initial subject involved a group whose numbers continue to rise as it pertains to religiosity in this day and age. And that's a group called the Nones. Pronounced like Nuns but not even close to the same thing. In fact, like percentagelly, "Nones" doesn't seem like a real word but let me assure you it is, despite the fact my computer spell check rained down red upon it just now.
Who are Nones? They are a group of people who aspire to no religious belief, organization, or structure. Yes, Atheists and Agnostics fit into this category but in reality, they don't make up its majority. The majority are people who simply don't care to belong to a particular religion. Some believe in God, they just don't like the way people who believe in God worship, act, and treat others who don't believe like them. Some Nones don't want to go to church because they say there's a lot of hypocrites in church these days. I think maybe that's just an excuse because hypocrites have always been around- but those who go to church should do their best to eliminate that excuse for Nones.
Another reason Nuns go to church and Nones don't is because of how each feels about being accepted within their religious communities. Nuns feel accepted, Nones don't.
Toby Keith sang a country song a while back entitled "I Love This Bar." In the song, he claims that all types of people are openly accepted at his favorite bar- including winners, losers, yuppies, hitchhikers, broken hearted fools, people with scars, and rednecks, among others. They share this in common: they're all accepted.
Before I get nasty comments and emails claiming I'm singing the praises of bars and excessive alcohol consumption, let me first say I'm not recommending bars over churches. I'm saying this: We in the church should raise the bar. Raise our bar above the bar of the bar that sells drinks at the bar and tells people they are welcomed no matter what kind of baggage they show up with.
Isaiah 55:1 says "Come, all who are thirsty, come to the waters." Jesus says in John 7:37- "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink." Here's the difference between the bar and the church. If you drink at the bar you will become thirsty again soon afterwards. But Jesus said in John 4:14- "Whoever drinks of the water I give him will never thirst."
The church should be offering the Living Water for all to drink- regardless of their past, what they wear, what kind of job they have or don't have, how they look, how they talk. Whether a person is a Nun or a None, they should be welcomed. "Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you" advises Romans 15:7. Hebrews 13:2 says to show hospitality to strangers.
I understand and don't want to be insensitive to the reality that churches have been the sight of unimaginable attacks against believers in recent years. Church safety is a necessity. But please, let's don't use that as an excuse to exclude people who need the acceptance and grace a true fellowship of believers can provide. Especially a fellowship of believers who serve a risen Savior, one who readily accepts sinners of all types, including me.
If you've been shunned at church, I ask you to give us another chance. If you're involved in a church, have open arms. Accept people despite their imperfections, just like Toby Keith's bar does.
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