Each Christmas season seems to have a unique theme of some sort. Some years it’s a blockbuster Christmas movie in the theatres. Other years it’s a hot gift item like Playstation 3, Tickle Me Elmo, or a Cabbage Patch Doll. This year’s Christmas theme, in my opinion, is a question mark- representative of the trend toward numerous unanswered questions as we approach December 25.
For example, the question wafting through the Stroupe household this season is whether or not our Christmas tree will fall over yet again this year? A legitimate concern, despite the fact we became so frustrated trying to get it to stand upright that we poured grout in the bottom of the tree stand and let it harden. No guarantees but if it tips over this year, it will be because some elf knocked it over on purpose. The tree stand is ruined but it’s worth it if the star on top stays off the floor.
Another question, this one floating around on the internet: Are Chia Pets edible? I saw a commercial the other day advertising a Chia Pet a cat can eat. Just what I always wanted. The debate on the internet concerns whether or not humans could benefit from Chia Pet consumption. There are mixed reviews but I’m playing it safe and abstaining.
Will Tiger have enough money left to buys presents for all the “friends” (at least 12) in his life after his sponsors drop him? Okay, that was a cheap shot but the greater question is whether he will ever recover and make a triumphant return to golf.
Was the image of Jesus on the bottom of a Massachusetts woman’s iron a legitimate miracle? I’ve seen the picture and it looks like a man with long hair and a beard but I have no idea if it’s Jesus. It’s kinda like the Shroud of Turin to me. If it’s real, great. If not, that’s fine, too.
Why? (Another question)- Because faith doesn’t require proof. The issues of miracle authenticity may be scientifically relevant but they’re spiritually unimportant. Jesus himself once said that those who believe without seeing are blessed. It’s nice when we are privileged to experience tangible revelations but they are not necessary to sustain a faith that is based on the rock solid belief that God sent His one and only Son to save us.
And to me, that is the ultimate question of this and every Christmas season: whether or not we allow the Child to leave the manger and live in our hearts.
For the Stroupes this year, there is another question. Will our friends and family still love us when they don’t get a Christmas card from us this year? Humbuggishly, we didn’t send them out this season. Blame it on extreme busy-ness, lack of cooperation from our boys for the family picture, or whatever else you wish.
So by the authority rendered unto me by the rest of my family, in place of a Christmas card, I am offering this simple phrase- to kids from 1 to 96. (I want to include my grandmother). It’s been said many times, many ways but from the heart I say, “Merry Christmas” to all of you. No question about it.
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