As 2009 draws to a close, it’s time once again to reflect back on good deeds, kind people, and the heroes among us. This year I’m calling it my “Thumbs Up for People Who Deserve a Slap on the Back, Not on the Face- Award.” Or whatever.
Anyway, I used to give “Wedgie Awards” for those who deserve wedgies more than praise, but I cut that one out because I like to keep things positive. But rest assured Balloon boy’s parents and the White House party crashers won’t be forcing my thumbs to protrude northward.
Actually, I was partially impressed with the White House party crashers until I discovered they snuck in as a publicity stunt to try and get their own reality television show. Ditto for Balloon boy’s family.
And while I’m at it, what do Ann Arbor (MI), Sherwood (AK), Novato (CA), Maumeo (OH), Charlotte (NC), Columbus (GA), and Staten Island (NY) all have in common? Give up? They all had someone in their towns who stole one of the Salvation Army’s donation buckets during the Christmas season this year. It’s not the city’s fault- (there’s a rumor one was stolen locally)- but it does remind us there are Scrooges everywhere.
Here’s a tidbit: the robber of a Wal-Mart store in Nacogdoches, Texas actually dropped a dollar bill into the Salvation Army bucket as he ran to his getaway car. Not enough for a thumbs up award but interesting.
Let’s get to the winners. You’ve heard all about Captain Phillips and Captain Sullenberger. The former bravely offered himself as ransom to save his shipmates from terrorists and the latter safely landed a giant airplane in the Hudson River. Kudos.
But you’ve probably never heard of Barbara Batton of Red Springs, N.C. I met her on a mission trip this fall. She cooks, cleans, does the laundry, and cares for the family she loves like no Mom I’ve ever seen. She adores her husband and reads to her two adopted kids whom she saved from an abusive situation. She prays and prays and prays. She loves life and her Lord and is one of the most inspirational people I’ve ever met. Also, she’s been blind for over 40 years.
Unfortunately for the world, my beloved fifth grade teacher passed away in 2009. I’ll admit I was the teacher’s pet in Mrs. Anderson’s class. She loved us all but made me feel extremely special. And like some of my other teachers, she reminded me often that I was a gifted writer even though all I could think about was sports. And she talked about God in class. I like that.
The Thumbs Up first place winner this year is also a teacher, but not in the traditional sense. She’s a 10-year-old girl who is battling cancer. Carey Heavner has become my buddy in the past few months. We text each other often and I’m always amazed at her positive attitude. She has taught me to live each day with appreciation and determination. I can’t wait to see what she becomes when she grows up. And I bet she’s wondering what I’ll become if I ever grow up.
So there you have it. My thumbs need rest now. But they’ll be on the lookout for more heroes in 2010.
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