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WACKY WEDNESDAY WISDOM: Inspired by the Kids Once Again
Inspired by the Kids Once Again
Pictured third from left is Kati Beast -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I will confess to you from the start that I recently remained on a rooftop during a thunderstorm one day and a drenching downpour the next day. Before you question the area of my brain that secretes good sense, let me explain.
I’ve been on two in-country mission trips this summer. Both involved construction work geared toward homes of less fortunate folks who are financially unable to afford necessary repairs.
In both cases the main workers are middle school and high school aged kids. They work their buns off in the heat and share their faith with the people they meet in the neighborhoods as often as possible. Good stuff.
On my first trip, I served as the worship speaker each of the six nights we were there. I spent most of my time with the summer staff, which was basically college kids.
As the worship leader for the week, my days were spent with the staff traveling around to each group. Along with encouraging them, we dropped off supplies, treated minor injuries, gave out hugs, took pictures, and forced the kids and their adult chaperones to take well-deserved breaks from the 100+ degree temperatures along the way.
As we were making our rounds one day, someone made note of the fact that I was twice as old as anyone in the truck. Gee thanks.
But it didn’t seem to bother anyone, especially me. At one point, the four of us sang along with the radio at the top of our lungs when Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believing” was playing. Forty-six years old and I can still hang with the kids.
An even more significant moment occurred a few songs later when the station was changed and “Amazing Grace: My Chains Are Gone” came on. Again we all sang every word of Chris Tomlin’s awesome rendition. Bound by the Holy Spirit we were. And during those moments, there was no generation gap. I hardly knew these kids, but we experienced a holy moment together.
On my next mission trip, once again I was the oldest in our group. Our job was to re-roof a house and our leader was a 21-year-old college girl named Kati. She was a pretty girl with pink streaks flowing threw her blonde hair.
Make no mistake, Kati knew how to roof a house. At one point on the first day, a thunderstorm hit us while most of the roof was uncovered. Unphased, Kati began tacking plastic to the roof to protect it, oblivious to the pounding rain drenching her. The kids were ordered to the bus but the adults stayed and basically watched the college girl on the roof complete her task.
When the exact same scenario occurred again the next day, Kati was rock solid once again. When the rain stopped, she was thoroughly soaked and the wet pink streaks in her hair were more pronounced than ever. It was then I proclaimed her to be “Kati Beast”, a complimentary title normally reserved for courageous male macho feats of strength.
These kids amaze me. Yes, they can be immature at times. Yes, many things are easier for them than they were for my generation. But don’t tell me they’re all spoiled and disrespectful. I met plenty this summer who weren’t. And as usual, they have inspired me beyond words.
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