I do it every year around this time. I put together a list of those who have inspired me in some way during the past year and call it something silly like, “Thumbs Up Award for Regular Folks Who Don’t Get Recognized But Probably Should.” Sounds good so I’m going with that for 2010.
You won’t see any of television’s Real Housewives on my list this year. The very few times I have wasted a few moments of my life by tuning in, all I could hear were beeps. Maybe they get bonuses based on who can curse the most. Cursing is bad enough, but is particularly unattractive among females.
Enough for the negativity. I am an optimist and I’ve had plenty of reasons to smile this year.
NOSTRADAMUS OF THE SEA- Paul the Octopus was a stud when it came to picking the winners in last summer’s World Cup soccer matches, correctly predicting the outcome of the last eight matches in a row by lowering himself onto a box with the country’s flag located at the bottom of his tank. Poor Paul didn’t enjoy his fame for long as he left us in October due to “natural causes.” (If only he had picked Team USA to win)
CLASS ACT- Major League Baseball umpire Jack Joyce blew the call that would have given Detroit pitcher Armando Gallaraga a perfect game. But Joyce, Gallaraga, and the normally harsh fans of Detroit all handled it with grace and dignity, giving me hope for the game I have loved since my youth.
CLASS ACT #2- Also involving baseball but a little closer to home, I witnessed an act of true sportsmanship this past summer at a youth league baseball game. One of the kids was playing with a cast on his arm, forcing him to bunt each time he came up to bat. When he came up with two outs in the last inning, the opposing coach- who could have easily seized the opportunity to win the game at that point- chose instead to intentionally walk the kid so that the game wouldn’t end on a fluke out. He saved the kid embarrassment and chose class over the “win at all cost” mentality. Kudos.
MISSION POSSIBLE- Seems like I mention my mission trips every year. Get used to it. The team of college kids I led on a trip to the Dominican Republic made quite an impression on me. But also my friends there in the Dominican remain close to my heart, and are in my thoughts and prayers daily.
MISSION SERVE- I also had the opportunity to serve as worship leader for a week of Mission Serve this past summer, where teens serve less fortunate others through short-term construction projects. On the last night, during a song where we were all kind of letting loose together, one boy looked at me and said something I’ll never forget. Jeremy was someone I would probably have never hung out with in school. He was uncoordinated and socially awkward. But he looked up at me during the last verse of the song and said simply, “Coach Rusty, you’re my favorite person.” It was one of the greatest compliments I have ever received and I’ll cherish its sincerity forever.
Thanks for a great 2010. Blessings to all.
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