Me: Well, we made it through Hurricane Florence. They cancelled a lot of things that could have probably gone on as scheduled. Maybe they exaggerated the threat.
Flash (my famous dog): I think I heard them say these hurricane deals are hard to predict and the best way to approach it is to be cautious- that whole "better safe than sorry" approach.
Me: Maybe, but I heard somebody say TV people make a big deal about storms so their ratings will increase as people are glued to their sets.
Flash: Well, shouldn't they be watching if their lives are in danger?
Me: Yes, but it really didn't turn out as bad here for us as they lead us to believe it would be.
Flash: Well, it was certainly plenty bad for other folks and their doggies in other areas according to what I've heard.
Me: True. In fact, I've heard some folks say it was so bad that maybe God was asleep at the wheel when the storm hit.
Flash: Really? So in one breath people are saying the threat was overstated, and in another breath they're saying it was so bad it has shaken their faith and trust in God.
Me: Yeah, I guess you're right. Everybody seems to have an opinion.
Flash: And I have one too. I don't care if the weather people exaggerated or not. The fact that we're alive and well is good enough for me. And if the storm wasn't as bad as they predicted, then we should be thanking God, not accusing Him of being asleep at the wheel. And for those whose lives have been devastated, we should be grateful that the TV people sternly warned them of the danger in advance so they could be prepared. And instead of complaining, we should figure out a way to help those people (and their doggies) who could use our prayers and assistance.
Me: That's a mighty long statement for a dog. And a wise one, I might add.
Flash: Maybe you humans shouldn't treat us canines like we're inferior beings, seeing as how we are so intelligent and full of smarts.
Me: Okay Einstein, but may I remind you that you drink from the toilet, chase squirrels you know you have no shot at catching, you bark when a doorbell rings on television, you lick yourself, you wet yourself at the vet, and you eat aluminum foil and puke a few minutes afterward.
Flash: Ouch.