Independence Day Wisdom: Proud and Free
I always enjoyed writing assignments in high school. Of course I would never let on to my teammates on the football, basketball, and baseball teams on which I played. If I had, surely I would have been the object of much teasing. It wasn't all that cool to be sensitive and expressive. Yet that's who I was and what I enjoyed.
So when each member of our junior class was assigned to construct an inspirational quote with the English teachers selecting the best quote to be displayed in the hallway, I was eager and ready. I had a way with words and immediately two or three quotes I had constructed over the years came to mind. Most everybody else rolled their eyes at the assignment but secretly I was excited.
On the day the "winner" was revealed, I was shocked. Not so much because my quote hadn't won, but more because of whose quote had. I barely knew the guy whose words were prominently displayed not only in the hallway, but in every English classroom in our school.
He had never been in any of the honors or college prep classes. If I remember correctly, the highlight of his daily schedule was Auto Mechanics. He didn't play any sports. He didn't go out with any of the school cheerleaders. He seemed to be a decent guy but to be honest, I knew who he was but hadn't really had a significant conversation with him despite our school being a small, "everybody knows your name" sort of place.
My classmate had decided to go simple as it pertained to the quote. He figured a patriotic angle was the appropriate approach. His quote was unspectacular and unsensational, while at the same time it was compelling and profound. Quite simply, he expressed his gratitude for being able to live in America and the freedoms he enjoyed as a result.
Scripture tells us in John 8:36 that "if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed". Because of the Son, I am no longer a slave to sin. I am free to live with His Spirit to guide me. The chains that once bound me have been broken. And the country I live in, the United States of America, affords me the freedom to worship and express myself regarding the faith in God that guides my existence. That's worth celebrating.
My classmate captured that sentiment in his quote all those years ago. I have no idea if he realized what a stir his quote would cause when he quickly jotted it down and turned it in that day, but it served as a lesson to all of us. Sometimes simplicity works best and he instinctively knew that.
So on this July 4th Independence Day, take some time to reflect on how fortunate you are to be a citizen of the United States. And if you're not exactly sure how to express that, you're welcomed to borrow my classmate's prize winning quote: "It's a beautiful day. I'm an American, proud and free".